The use of Mucco Warning light as a visual and audio device in this documentary | Signal Beacon
Special Team: Semender started to be broadcast on TRTBelgesel, one of the biggest documentary channels in Turkey. In this simulation, inspired by the grueling training of SAT commandos, trainees are subjected to different exams. The use of Mucco Warning light as a visual and audio device in this documentary, gave us pleasing moments.
Our product used in the documentary is the 100 series beacon. You can visit our website for detailed information.
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π¨π¨π¨ #industrialelectrician #industrialengineering #electricalengineering #warninglights #warninglight #signalbeacon #stacklight #industrialwarninglights #heavydutywarninglight #Industrialsounderbeacons #alarmsounder #sounderbeacon #audibleandvisualalarm #cranesafetylight #hornandbeacon #warninghorn #TRTdocumentary #trt #TRTbelgesel